Activities and functions

The State Institution "Karaganda region Health Department" (hereinafter referred to as the Administration) performs the following functions:

- interacts with the authorized central executive body in the field of health protection in matters of organization of medical assistance to the population in the state healthcare system of the region;

- carries out the purchase of medicines and medical services to provide a guaranteed volume of free medical assistance in the manner established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

- organizes the staffing of health organizations;

- conducts certification for professional competence of heads of subordinate state health organizations;

- provides equipping of state medical organizations;

- ensures the creation and functioning of regional information and communication systems in the field of health, including the management of medicines;

- provides coordination and execution of state and regional programs to combat drug abuse;

- provides clinical bases in public health organizations financed from local budget funds for higher and secondary medical schools;

- organizes and provides the provision of free medical care, medicines and medical products for citizens in emergency situations;

- organizes and coordinates the training and professional development of health professionals;

- organizes hygienic training and education of the population, promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

- informs the population about the prevalence of socially significant diseases and diseases that are dangerous for others;

- interacts with public associations on health issues;

- implements on the territory of the region instructions of the akim, akimat of the region, supervising the deputy akim of the region on issues related to the development of the health care system by carrying out specific activities within the established deadlines;

- submits a report to the akim of the region and the deputy akim of the oblast in the form of official notes, letters, information on the implementation of the state health development program, regional programs approved by the oblast maslikhat on priority directions of health development, and on the basic quantitative and qualitative health indicators (morbidity, morbidity, natural population growth, etc.), as well as the implementation of health standards in the region;

- makes proposals to the akim of the region and the akim of the oblast supervising the deputy on improving the healthcare system of the region, especially on the development of primary health care, improving maternal and child health care, developing the material and technical base and implementing the program on socially significant diseases (tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, oncology, diabetes, etc.);

- plans the budget, finances and administers budgetary programs of the regional healthcare system by analyzing and monitoring the targeted use of budget funds in medical organizations of the region;

- conducts and provides construction, reconstruction and development of design estimates for health facilities in the region;

- analyzes the activities of state medical organizations on problems and issues of medical assistance to the population of the region;

- interacts with the sanitary and epidemiological service of the region in matters of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the region's population;

- Interacts with the government agency in the sphere of medicinal products circulation by analyzing the provision and purchase of medicines for free and preferential holidays to certain categories of the population, as well as specialized products of children's and therapeutic nutrition in accordance with the procedures and norms established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and other issues;

- organizes and ensures the functioning of sanitary aviation;

- provides the production of blood, its components and preparations for local health organizations;

- training and retraining, advanced training and analysis of the rational use of medical personnel and other categories of health workers;

- informing the population, health organizations and other organizations about medicines, the rules for their use, the action, sanitary and hygiene items, dressings and other medical products, and their availability in the pharmacy network;

- in the order established by the legislation, the licensing of medical medical activities;

- development of methodological recommendations for medical workers on the organization of medical provision of the population;

- organization and development of inter-sectoral and international cooperation in the field of health through the conclusion of agreements with the regions of the near and far abroad countries and the Republic of Kazakhstan, identification of the main priority areas of cooperation and possible partners.