
Diet of modern man

The lifestyle of a city dweller is far from ideal. Constant stress, polluted air, high noise levels and a specific "urban" diet.

One-sided menu

People who have just arrived to major cities notice that it is difficult for them to keep up with the citizens “with experience” - it seems that all life happens on the run. In this tight schedule, there is not always time to sleep, not to mention the full cooking process.

The citizen comes to the aid of the industry of fast food and production of semi-finished products. Why cook borscht and fry patties, when on the way from work you can buy frozen pizza or just have dinner at a nearby restaurant?

That is why in the diet of a modern resident of the city there are imbalances in essential nutrients.

Protein in the diet of the citizen is enough, because rarely does anyone neglect products of animal origin. The sandwich is the best friend of the ever late metropolis dweller. Grilled chicken is often the only dish available for dinner.

Too much fat

However, the fat due to the same "fast food" urban residents consume too much, seriously increasing the risk of atherosclerosis - the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Ten grams of animal fat raises cholesterol levels in the blood by 0.3 percent and increases the growth of atherosclerotic plaque by about 0.3 percent a year. The same effect can be achieved with one gram of trans fat, contained in fast food, chips, margarines and many confectionery products.

"City" soda

Abused by the townspeople and sweet. For example, Muscovites eat ordinary sugar twice as much as normal - 12-14 percent of the daily caloric intake.

One of the most widespread and dangerous products is sweet carbonated water, which contains easily digestible simple sugars.

It provokes the release of a large amount of the hormone insulin into the blood, which is why the glucose level in the blood drops and an acute sense of hunger almost immediately appears. And this busy person sticks to the fact that “he came across his arm”: he accidentally eaten the same food, again washing it down with affordable and tasty soda.

Such eating habits lead to the fact that it is among the urban population that the number of diseases caused by a violation of the diet is rapidly increasing. This - diabetes, atherosclerosis, hypertension and obesity.

Minus vegetables and fruits

Research results show that 90 percent of the urban population suffers from a lack of vitamin C, which means that citizens eat very few fruits and vegetables - the only source of well-digested vitamin C.

In addition, in the diet of the modern city dweller is not enough and fiber, which is contained only in plant foods. It causes digestive upset and nutrient absorption disorders.

No mode

The basic principles of proper diet: fragmentation, uniformity and rhythm. The number of meals should leave at least three to four times a day.

The mode of a typical citizen looks completely different. A person goes to work without breakfast, snacks on fat and high-calorie meals during the day, and postpones the main meal until late at night - after returning home.

“Despite the fact that in the morning there is usually no desire, the gastric juice is still released. But since there is no food in the stomach, the juice aggressively acts on the walls of the stomach, destroying its mucous membrane.

In addition, disrupted bile secretion in the gallbladder. Due to too long breaks between meals, it accumulates, resulting in the formation of stones.

By evening, the person feels very hungry and overeat very much, after which he goes to bed. As a result, neither normal digestion nor healthy sleep.

As the results of research show, if a person “eats up” in the evening, does not get enough sleep, and does not want and cannot have breakfast in the morning, he is prone to a depressive state. And this mental disorder is quite common for city dwellers.

The most important

A typical resident of the megalopolis makes all the basic mistakes in the formation of his own diet: he eats on average 1-2 times a day, eats too fatty and sweet food and neglects vegetables and fruits. Therefore, the power must be consciously monitored.

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