
Fish and the main thing about it

Not everyone can boast that fish is his favorite food.

Fish day for many – a synonym for something extremely boring. But once you learn to understand the fish, everything changes.

So what is the most delicious fish, useful, and how to choose it?

When fish useful?

Fish is not the same as meat.

Many meats are contraindicated in people with heart disease or high blood cholesterol. A fish, even fat-not only allowed, but also shown.

First of all, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids contained in it, which do not clog the vessels, but protect them. It also has a multivitamin complex-fat-soluble vitamins a, D, E, F — and minerals – phosphorus, fluorine, zinc and manganese.

In addition, fish cooked without additional fat is digested almost twice as fast as meat or poultry, and does not create an additional load on the liver and pancreas.

How much fish do you have to eat?

The world health organization (who) recommends eating at least three servings of fish per week. It should be remembered that the portion means 100 g of fish fillet without skin bones and additional ingredients.

However, as experts say, the fish you can eat every day. The main thing is not to overdo it with fat.

About fish oil separately

Despite the fact that nutrients are found in all varieties of fish, really diet can not be called any.

Fish oil, despite all its benefits, no less calories than any other – 9 kcal per 1 g of fat. Therefore, if you want to replace the fish part of the meat in your diet in order to lose weight, watch carefully what kind of fish gets on your table.

For example, in 100 g of fat herring – 248 kcal per 100 g, in the same amount of mackerel – 239 kcal, in the now popular salmon – 208 kcal.
Twice less than 100 grams of fatty pork, but a large portion can be a quarter of the daily diet in calories.

For those who carefully counts calories, low-fat varieties of fish with a calorie content of up to 100-120 kcal per 100 g of marine fish in this category include cod, flounder, hake, sea bass and blue whiting. And river-pike, catfish, carp, carp, bream and pike.

What fish there is not need to

Despite the fact that many consider a well-salted salmon or sturgeon fillet useful, it is too salty product for regular use. For example, in the salted side of salmon, salt can be up to 1.5 g per 100 g, which is about a third of the maximum daily intake recommended by who.

For the same reason can not be attributed to useful dishes salted herring, sprat, sprat, mackerel and their relatives from brine, with several slices of which you can get the entire daily rate of salt. Dry salted fish, such as roach, too salted.

And in canned food, involving the presence of fish in the oil, in addition to excess salt and extra fat – and not fish, and often cheap vegetable. So, in 100 g canned mackerel in its own juice about 200 kcal, and in the mackerel in the oil is 118 kcal more.

Fish safety techniques

Not every fish is good for health, and some may even be dangerous. No need to buy:

- Fish on street stalls, with cars and tanks outside the proven markets. And not only in the middle of summer, but also in winter, when the scales throw well-frozen carcasses incomprehensible species. It can be a fish that died from parasites, malnutrition or disease and collected for sale.

- Sleeping fish with sunken eyes, a thick layer of blood and mucus on the scales and with a smell that you at least slightly alarming.

— Fish in the icy glaze that is not recognized by the fish's appearance. Often under such a package, hiding the cheaper grades of fish, which is issued for those that are more expensive. As well as thawed and spoiled fish and substandard pieces.

- Canned fish in swollen or deformed cans, or in cans without labels or transparent plastic containers, in which clearly visible muddy brine with blood or flakes.

If the fish is unwell

The main problem of any fresh fish-in parasites, which can be obtained from the result of a successful Amateur fishing and even buying the products of a solid fish factory. They are found not only in the intestine, but also in muscle capsules.

Therefore, the first rule of cooking fish at home-heat treatment by all the rules. This means that inside a piece of fillet or fish cutlets temperature should reach at least 70 degrees, and the whole piece of fish necessarily warmed evenly for 10 minutes.

If you want raw fish-eat it only in proven restaurants that have all the permits for such products.

The most important thing about fish

Fish is very useful, not least because of its fat. But if you follow the weight, it is better to choose low-fat varieties of fish. Little good will bring salted, smoked and canned fish-it is usually an excess of salt. Carefully choose the fish in the store and be sure to treat it thermally.

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